Quote Originally Posted by LovingLu View Post
Oh oh, well, why are you rushing to explain how rich you are? lol. I do not need to doubt of how rich you are, that is totally none of my bussiness.
Someone put 1 gold less than you in CS, so you should "teach" them and use "bad language"? The lower the price is the faster the items sold, that is the market. Isn't that you are annoying because you also expect to sell fast and you are not tolerent anybody to put lower than you? I didnt mean to argue this thing with you, just point out that plat didnt make you an upper status in this boring game.

Back to this post, I think the aim STS add combo in dalily blessing is to save the loss of the players, it is useless to compain about it here. Loots = luck+ re-roll%, re-roll % is an fair system which decide how many times you will get re-roll(including yellow, green, purple and pink), but luck decide how good the loots are, this is equel to everyone. But, the sad news is that luck may take heavier effect than re-roll%, that is actually where your complain come out.

Seriously Lovinglu you call this game is boring??? Not only you insulted this game you use this person forum post to voice out your personal anger with him, seriously why you are still around here in forum and playing PL if its boring to you??? Please stop posting unconstructive comment and venting your anger and insult here, no good will come, like you said it, its just a game and if it is boring delete it.