Hey guys this is my first time to post a topic and let me be clear this is just pure speculation. I think now is the time to stock up on gems and Spacetime will be nerfing the current system shortly most likely with the Winter Event. Heres why:

The current market price for gems in AL economy is below 10K this is BELOW the current Plat:Gold ratio that Spacetime has built in. Their current ratio being 1plat=1k gold 10 Essences=1 Gem=10 plat. This is BELOW Spacetimes set exchange rate, remember guys while this is an AWESOME game Spacetime is not a non-profit company out to make our lives more enjoyable with their fantastic game. Spacetime WANTS you to purchase essences with PLAT NOT GOLD its more profitable for them as a company. Since the cost of gems has gone down so dramatically they will drive up the price of Gems in the Gold economy thereby forcing a large number of users to switch back to purchasing essences with plat. Think back to when Gems were 20K Gold this EXCEEDED their current exchange rate of plat:gold 10plat=10k. THAT is the formula for success, Spacetime wants Gems to either exceed or match current exchange rates. Make sense? Again these are just my personal thoughts but id love to hear what your guys thoughts are.

P.S RSI new guild on the block is growing fast = )


Otomustam, Otamustam, and Atomustam