Dear Support Staff,

Name:  comboelixir.JPG
Views: 171
Size:  149.3 KB

Last night while playing I accidentally hit the 'buy combo elixir' button while jumping from one elite map to another and instantly wasted 35 plats that I was saving for the holiday event after downloading and completing a bunch of free offers this weekend. Ordinarily this sord of thing isn't even an issue since I hardly ever have the plats to make this sort of mistake, but on this occasion I found myself horrified and enraged at this completely unwanted transaction as I had absolutely no plans to use my hard earned plat on a combo elixir.

I don't know if anyone else has experienced this issue but I feel that this combo elixir button should have a confirmation pop up before being purchased.

As it is, that button can be easily pressed on accident if you have the spare plat and there is no way to prevent someone from buying it unintentionally. I would also like to add that I'm at a particular disadvantage on this issue as I play this game on a mobile device with a small screen and have fairly large fingers to begin with, so hitting links on the map screen unintentionally happens rather often, and that combo elixir button is a massive trap to someone like me.

So imho, I don't think its fair to have it sitting there on the map screen with no way to keep it in check. I would also like to ask if it's possible for me to recover my 35 plat in light of this glaring issue with the button. If not, I understand, but for future reference there really does need to be something to keep it from happening.

