HI think that we should make a spacetime forum guild
wouldent that be great all forum members joining up to make one of the biggest guilds
there are players from all walks of life not just lvl50.
Every guild suggested have always had the got to be lvl 50 blah blah
i think forming a guild is about community not just whether your lvl 50 or not.
where i agree lvl 50 is a good thing to have in any guild but why restrict lower lvls to join as they will become a lvl 50 in time. iam stuck at lvl 18 until i can get access to platinum and that restricts me in many ways for example while on the forum i cannot join in with a lot of players discussions beause i am yet to experience and gain what they are talking about so i just read and take in all the info i may be a noob but im learning fast and would be a great asset to a guild in the future but wont get accepted because of my lvl. also many lvl 50 players just ignore low lvl players like me before even seeing what im about.
so forum members get out your red antennas and support the spacetime forum guild