I was thinking that maybe in the next campaig that arrives all players will lose their current skills when entering this campaign. We would all have to learn new skills just as we did when starting a new character. The campaign would be hard enough to make it difficult for level 50's but not impossible. Anyone below level 50 who can't use any level 50 gear will have a very difficult time surviving. Rather than reaching new level 25 within a few hundred kills make it a few thousand. Perhaps we could have a choice of 1 of 4 skills to use first, rather than being made to use certain skills when first four levels are reached. If you would rather forge new weapon or use attack or defense pet. it's your choice.
Perhaps this would allow the devs to incorporate the new skill ideas such as pets, forging, and any other cool skill ideas that simply can't fit on the screen along with current skills. I think this may help to make the game seem brand new to players who have reached level 50. Also allows for combining the two different sets of skills down the road as PL hopefully gets bigger and new technology allows for even better things to be developed in the game.