Quote Originally Posted by Frohnatur View Post

They said those vanities will not return THIS YEAR.


You'll never be able to see the turnaround of plat to gold that went with the tree set (15plat to 1 million gold) again in this game. This is simply because everybody is buying now new vanities and hoping it will rise to make a decent profit. That means they will never rise above the lowest threshold where someone thinks its worth the money. Look at grim: its always at around seven or eight hundred k. The investment was 250 plat (more than 15 times than for the tree set). Thats the level where people sell. And there is way more supply than demand. Forever. Get used to it that the old ratios are gone forever. To make it more visual:

Old ratio:
15 plat to 1 million
New ratio:
250 plat to 800 k

I'll go with this grinch set. As it looks, it'll make my blue smurf to a green mini Hulk. I like that. lol. I just wich I could have the princess Barbie outfit for my mage too xD
Wouldn't that look great!!

I'd rather have STS bringing out new vanities instead of re-issuing the old ones. This way we'll get more visual diversity in-game.
Tree set was 110 plat last year ( not sure)