Quote Originally Posted by IGN Storm:1364505
Quote Originally Posted by Shadowstar View Post
If I'm correct, shatter makes blast 2x more dmg? Or somewhere like that? Gad, if only 9 shatter does basically same thing as 1 shatter, then only 1 :|
Cruel Blast=Shatter Damage+Blast Damage+Base Attack Damage I think. 9 Shatter lowers ~30 armor more than 1 Shatter with an additional ~80 Damage which adds up to 140(80 + 30+ 30) extra damage min which isn't really "basically the same thing". Still, shatter is only useful within 8m.
Watever :P
Its still a bit useless, as a good bird will never go outside of 12/10m range. THIS PROBABLY DOESN'T APPLY TO ENDGAME, where repulse is dodged most if time, so are roots.