Every time I start Arcane Legends the game download 47 paks of data. I have 4 characters levels 35-36 and play this game for maybe 6 months now. I never had this issue on iOs and it is an issue on Android for maybe a month now. I reinstalled the game (after a clean uninstall of all of its data). I don't use any program that clean cache of applications automatically and if I sometimes do (using Clean Master from GO developpers) I do it carefully so as to keep caches I need.
But every time it's the same I have to wait a long time for Arcanes to download all those packs like if it was the first time I started the game. Very frustrating and even more considering the fact that my internet connexion in postpaid and extremely slow (32 KB/s maximum down).
Please advise me on anything I might do wrong. Or try to fix this issue that I never had before on Android 2 and even Android 4.1.2 until a recent update of AL.

Thank you very much for all the hard work you're doing on this truly amazing game.
Sincerely, Hokaneko/Hokarnival/Hokalamity/Hokarnivalpvp, Officer of the Darksiders.