Master: Crusaderr

1. Goal
1) Break all speed records in all categories
2. Method
1) Four rogue parties for Elite Map Records and Arena Records
2) Mages invited for Tomb Map Records
3. Rules
1) No health packs and healing
2) 10,000 pot and 10,000 mana
3) Biggest pulls possible
4. Recommended build for Rogues
1) Maxed out in 4 passives: Speed, Dex, Crit, Dmg
2) About 3.2 skills: Dash, Nox, Crit, Traps
1] Dash: 3 points; Triple hit, Health regen
2] Nox: 4 points; All except one
3] Crit: 4 points; All except one
4] Traps: 4 points; All except one
5. Recommended Weapon of Choice
1) Mythic Bow with 3 Fire Gems maxed at 5 Dex for non-tomb records
2) Blades with 3 Fire Gems maxed at 5 Dex for tomb records

Bond: Where's my Bentley Q?
Q: You will no longer drive the Bentley for M said you ought to drive the new DBIII
Bond: (Frown)
Paraphrase from "Goldfinger" written by Ian Fleming (Thomas and Mercer)