I noticed this fairly interesting (yet fairly predictable) trend of the rooms/regions available to players.

Regions where you almost never have trouble finding a room to join

Regions where you will find adequate rooms to join, but not always
-UC shipyard

Regions where you will have some trouble trying to find a room to join, but you will eventually find a good one

Regions where you will have A LOT of trouble trying to find a room to join (virtually no room, must create one yourself and then either spam invite or wait for ages)
-UCS savant
-Scorn crusade (exclude Tarasa, almost every scorn crusade room I found was Tarasa 0_o)

Regions where I have no idea of (b/c didn't reach it yet lol)
-the final map, forgot the name atm

High lvl (I mean really really high, like lvl 40ish-lvl51) players also tend to hang out in these maps, providing good power lvling service, as well as a helping hand to some of the toughest bosses (of course, and for farming reasons)
-Asteroid "Motherload"
-Numa "Ruins"
-Slouch "Commercial"
-UC "Reactor Core"
-Scorn Crusade "Tarasa" (well, not really "power lvling" anymore here)

I really like the fact that higher lvls would go back and help out the new players
Only problem I had was the huge trouble with maps like UCS savant, and currently, Scorn Crusade (still stuck on first map).

This is a brief assessment of the current trend of rooms/regions in SL. I personally hope, of course, that people can start creating more UCS savant and Scorn Crusade maps. XD