So recently I have been trying a bunch of different builds. I currently use my original pure damage build. I have noticed a number mages using a debuff build, and i have a few questions on that.

1) Can't debuffs be dodged? And given that end game is dodged based, wouldn't that defeat the purpose of having them?

2) What would you sacrifice in order to have the debuffs?

3) Are the people doing this pure int mages? Or is there some dex in there too?
I've seen these debuff mages drop pallies with ease, so i was curious. I also have spent a decent number of platinum respecting my skills to get a debuff build, but none seem better than the pure damage build I was using.

So, what is the best debuff build i use use if I am to give this a shot? Any help is greatly appreciated. I know Onescarymage uses one, and he kills everything I've seen him fight with ease.