
Just a lil guide on how to handle classes with THE 18-20 behr enjoy:

Vs rhino- When versing a rhino, as soon as they charge; you stomp/sms, then once you see that heal spell come out, you hs the rhinow. This will disable then from hitting any combo on uuu and also from dealing damage. The most amazing part about this; rhinos healing spell has the same cooldown time as hs, so that garantees dat perf timing.

Vs foxxy's- ALL you gotta do, is when they first beckon you; you stomp/hs them, then repeat. Try not to get close! Then they dead, gf.

Vs chicks (mages)- when versing a mage, the most important thing is knowing how to escape frostbite. All you got to do is right when they frost; you stomp. Also never stomp them if you not frozen; just slashemup.

Vs bear- secret (coming out late 2014)

Thumbs up plz. And comment!