Hello guys what I would like to see in AL in the future (and I think I'm not the only) it's more trade slots or a way to be able to trade many items at a time. The actual 4 slots were maybe enough at the beginning of the game when there wasn't a so huge difference between usable items and expensive items. Many times I've seen people scammed for this lack, let's do an example: player A asks to B 8 locked for a malison egg, the trade must be done in 2 times and A can run away with the first 4 lockeds or B with the egg before paying all the lockeds requested. For trades like this it could be useful also to put same item with a number, (as in inventory we see fire gem x 4 for example), we can see in the trade: locked grand crate of the watch x 8.

Another thing that could be useful in my opinion would be to introduce a new item (like leprechaun) that allows your pet to stay happy or that gives him +x% experience to allow players to train faster pets and test more abilities and strategies.

Finally an aesthetic advice : I don't know if I'm the only to think this but I'm a bit tired by banners being always with the same shape and the same flag pole that comes out from your back in an unrealistic way (in my opinion). I suggest to do banners without the pole (that magically flow in the air and maybe shine)and with different shapes or to do circular banners under player's feet like the circles we see with some buffs or for example like when a pet like horton does it's arcane ability.

As always I look forward to hear what do you think guys so share your opinions and sorry if I've done some language mistakes