I hope this big update won't be something stupid like new crafting stuff (It's not stupid, but the timing is)
Im waiting for the expansion, not for another update what will get bored after a week. Expansion means: Grinding like hell, new maps to play (The first runs are the funniest ones) New gear, ap to get.. New elite, new elite gear, new farm places... Everything is so boring now. The only thing u can do is pvp, but pvp is full of drama in every level. And after the expansion: Dont let the ELITE gear become worthless cuz of event gear u can buy for only 5k!!! In season 3/4 and the start of 5, i logged in, said HI In the guildchat and me and my guildmates (And friends) made a party and we did something. Now everyone is PvPing or trying to merch for hours in pier cuz farming is boring and it doesnt give a lot profit, except when ure lucky. Most of time its a rage feeling if u spent 2/3 hours farming elite and the best thing u got is a silver chest, or worthless armor. This will stay when StS won't launch an expansion soon. Also when they launched the expansion, the same will happen in that season.. Except when they make events that don't ruin the elite gear market. Make another type of armor, as example: Event gear- More armor bonus and crit. Elite gear- More damage, less crit and less armor. Just little examples. I can write a lot more about this. Content gets boring when u cant do something else usefull beside PvP when u got ur myths.
The upgrade system was a good idea, but this 'Full perfect gear' was impossible to get without plat or paying 10-20m to get it. It didn't make sense at all: The plat spammers could get a set in a few days and the non spenders had to start again with farming elite or merch. Sorry for those complains, but it was time for me to say. Make something like arena in season 6, launch an Achievment what can take days or weeks what rewards u an awesome pet or something like that, launch something thats fun for a while and what doesn't ruin other aspects of the game, when people getting bored in endgame.

Give feedback, tell me why im wrong or not, share ur opinion & thoughts