Quote Originally Posted by Bonthan:1421388
Pocket legends 2 or version 2.0 has been addressed already by samhayne. Essentially, that's what Arcane is, PL2.

An introductory character into AL is a good idea and I would support it. However, I think most of the people that are going to make a switch from PL to Arcane have already done so. I loaded arcane the day it came out, played and have since left pl for 2 months and devoted my plat to arcane. Arcane doesn't hold me like PL does. I'm not a fan of locked cameras and not being able to interchange gear between classes. Also, I come from the early days of WOW, Everquest, and Asherons Call. I am used to paying per month. I understand this is just gaming in general and not just spacetime. However, in PL I can buy a stack of plat and know how long it will last me, not the case in arcane. After evaluating how much plat I was spending in al vs pl and the enjoyment I got out of the game and then projected out how much money I was going to invest in game(the gems did me in)only to have it possibly reach the same fate as pl in 2 or 3 years I made the switch back to forest haven. Here I will countinue to grow my small army of pocket warriors and enjoy the company of my dwindling friends, but when the day comes to find another game I will check the App Store before purchasing my 1700 plat in arcane. I hope this doesn't come across as a rant, but instead as the perspective of a consumer.

Huge thanks to Spacetime for giving me a place to smite dragons and get all excited over a +2 armor. I have and still enjoy these games greatly
Well yeah i dowloaded the game and unistalled because i got borred of wasting time on another game and went back playing PL. I think if id get a chracter I would at least try it out.