Can we get a list of skills for each class that actually takes into account a certain attribute and by how much each point increase affects certain skills.

Ursan's Restore heals 10-13 HP at rank 1 but goes up with str and int according to the Ursan manual here ->

How much does each point in INT increase this value?

Also slashes are said to increase in power by upping STR?? By how much per point??

Let's get a list going on not just Bear skills but EVERYONE'S!!! (I play bear so I'm biased)

This game needs more solid info so people can make informed decisions rather than paying for respecs and finding out they dont like what they found.

Devs maybe make a Character builder App that lets you test out builds and whatnot??

Kills me as a former WoW player and theory crafter that there is no concrete evidence on what everything does when put together. Wouldn't be so many Hybrid?? Pure?? Does this or that matter or STR or Dex? Threads that are on the forums as of late.