Hi all,

As my title says. I'm enjoying the game quite a bit, having been a WoW-head at one point. I gave up WoW because it just took too much time away from other things. Pocket Legends, though obviously way less robust, scratches that MMO itch for me quite nicely, and in short 20-minute bites.

I have been playing a mage named Trystra. She's level 32 and has gotten through both the Ancient Swamps and Skeller Krunch campaigns. The game transforms so quickly, because I've read that Ancient Swamps was a fairly challenging set of dungeons, but it seems nerfed now? PUGs I've played in have pretty much steamrolled it.

So I'm interested in more of a challenge. I'd love to try Frozen Nightmares and check out some of the endgame content (though I understand that's been nerfed as well) and I'm looking for some other folks to play with, since this is a social game after all.

Nice to meet you,
