I know maybe theres other threads about Sorcerer class being weak, i know every other class going to try to say we just whining.

But the whole time i didnt even realise that Maul proc was (Stun, Reduce armor 50% AND Increase 60 str!!!!). And Arcane staff proc only increase 60 int ?
I mean you do realise:

1. 60 str for a tank means high dmg and higher health, and 60 int for mage high dmg and lets say 300 health if not less or more still not high but yes we get high mana as if we need more mana.

2. warriors can use the skill (vengeful blood) which gives them high dmg and 26% crit which makes them proc minimum 2 times per clash if not more.

Please someone correct me if im wrong iv been doing pvp for so long and iv seen warriorsnwith maul procing much much more than any other class but my topic is sorcerer. Please try go against warrior (mauler) in pvp and see how annoying it can be, they stun more than sorcerers they proc more than rouges and they already have pretty much HIGH armor and health, sounds fair?

Not asking for reducing anything for warriors or thier precious Maul, just asking for more attention for us sorcerers, even with our arcane staff we still struggling alot, just check any mage with high ctf kills and ul see he has high ctf deaths aswell, like maximum i think a sorcerer can have like 10/5 kdr but rouge can be 30/5 easly and warrior 10/1 .. i mean ctf kills/deaths.

If theres anything wrong with whatever i saied in here then please correct me, or check with yourselves.