i have been noticing that most beggers (not all) have been mages, and being a lv 36 kick butt mage, i feel like they are giving us mages a bad name
i mean, nearly all trolls, beggers, scammers, flamers, or little weirdos, are mages, what makes them choose this character? nearly everytime i meet a strange mage, they either demand money from me, or beg for somthing.

lets look at the badly displayed math

lets say 100 players start the game per day, of that lets say 33 of them are rouges, 33 are mages, and 34 are warriors, after 20 min of game play lets say that 25% of those newbies leave, leaving us with 75 players, then lets say they strive to reach lv 20, by then most have thrown their device across their room, and we are left with 30 players, 10 of each character, out of these 30 players, lets say they all strive for 36 now, when they finally reach 36, they are so tired of being "blah" ranked, they start to farm, merch, whatever. what makes so many mages go down the dark path of trollhood? is it that it is not easy being a mage? is there not enough mage booty looty to go around? what makes my sweet little mage brethren become those evil..."siths" of AL.....

feel free to comment, pls no fish/chicken/drug junkie pics