I just want to add a warrior with 5 Skills has no weaknesses.

HOR and Jugg keep him alive and used in correct timing he will never go down in an 1-1, heck even 2-1.

SS and WM(or CS/AT if you're inclined) will keep him doing damage PLUS things like stunning,snaring or crippling.

And finally VB which works both ways will keep his health higher than usual and mana pools in constant regeneration WHILE giving him a nice crit and dmg bonus.

Same can be said for mages but to a much MUCH lesser degree.

As for pet patching I'm fine with it but as a Rogue I use it a lot after battles to regenerate mana before somebody comes for the petty/revenge kill. If they will do this I think they should add a mana regenerating perk to Health packs, simply make the max number of 3 a standard and make that perk regenerate mana.

BTW I play both a Rogue and a Warrior, I have no best interest here in either getting buffed or nerfed.