Quote Originally Posted by falmear View Post
I had the complete opposite reaction when I saw the video. I knew based on the video that the pull was bad from the get go and so far seems to have gotten worse because of the range issue. And this is why I waited a while and paid less then half what you did. The only reason why I bought it was for its base stats. I wanted this pet for certain maps and also because at this time its a limited availability pet it will be hard to break some recs if you don't have whim. This is not to say they shouldn't fix whim but even if they were to give the option to convert back to an egg I wouldn't take it. Because I'd never use whim in PvP and for me its only has some limited usefulness in PvE. Whim's arcane is only good so long as you can combo it with something else. And if the arcane doesn't work on your targets then its basically useless. Also now that they released the next arcane pet, I will probably feel like a moron if the base stats of the next mythic pet is as good or better then Whim's and it has speed.
To be honest, Abaddon's stats come close to a whim. So, there really isn't much difference between the two if we are judging based on happiness bonus.