alright i like editing and i like helping, so i would like to offer some services here. In fact, if you see a request and think you can handle it, feel free to take it on yourself! not my personal request thread... think of it more as a request the community thread

GUIDE: adding image to signature:
> If image is online
-copy image url, and past in necessary spot in edit signature, settings.
> If image is in computer
-browse for image and upload, in edit signature, settings.

  1. can and will use images given to me to patch together a sig. YOU must supply however the location, information, and content.
  2. can and will edit out surrounding area around people/objects in images if asked, so you can use the secluded piece of the image yourself.
  3. can and will take suggestions and make discussions on what is best. will also put up secluded images for public use, and can add more on demand.

lets see how this turns out... already had one person ask for a sig, waiting for reply giving me info on what he wants.
woot post 3400