Well, I don't know about any oldy egos. I know that there are just a couple of people on my friends list (Seratonin and Silvanesti) that have been on it since our 20's or 30's. /waving to those guys! And I can guarantee there are no ego's involved with them. I joined them the other night and we had a heck of a fail group doing Close Encounters I think (wherever the shadows are). With all of our uber gear experience and know how we died and died and died. And it was great fun! There's no doubt we could have done it better, but I don't think anyone cared that much or were upset. No egos there. I was more upset I had to log off for a cpl of hours.

Anyway, to the original op. As someone else pointed out you have to keep making friends. Every night I add new people to my list. I watch how they play (see if they keep an eye on my squishy mage butt) and watch their chat and if they lol and tease I'm going to add them. I also a few times a night venture into the lower Balefort quests and help those guys who are amazingly grateful I help them complete the quest line and I add them to my list. A week from now they will be 50's!

Another thing too to the original op....the game developers did a great thing with this game in that when you check out "join game" you can see how far along the quest has been done already. If you don't want to be in a Keeper farming group it's best not to join if there is only a sliver of green completion. I look for about 1/4 done. That usually means they are at least doing Gurg and Ol. Hope that helps.