Long ago in a land called Alterra, people were friendly, nice, and helpful. And one particular newbie to the game needed help getting crafting materials to craft some epic robes in forest haven. Long ago people helped you and got the materials for you. And you felt bad when you found out you needed the recipe too, which of course was rare. And you felt sorry and were sad that you wasted others' time. Now we see in the world of Alterra people named Blqqdyh*** and S**yHe*oi* and people talking about snorting H*****. And we see the world of unfriendliness and none of kindness. Long ago, this was not allowed, and people were banned. Long ago the game was well tended and freshened, updated with a vigor. And then the long drought of content and the many players leaving to attend to their daily lives. This is the decline and only you can help fix this.