First thing first make some quick chat first, specially anti-clouid chat. what's that?
clouid : work on skills rather savage
guilds quick chat : Cry
OK back on more important topic. Please follow all the steps carefully cause n this guide contains some very secret methods
1> Make an endgame mage, if u don't have one.
2> Make guild, say <we make ya cry>
3> Inv ur 2 mage friend.
4> Go cs and buy savage sets for y'all, nvm u alrdy have n uses that.
5> Make DM arena game and join with all ur friends.
6> Team every non str, who join ur game
7> Stay together and heal each other.
8> Say sorry if by mistake kill a str specially with 3pc, it will boost his ego and he will stop helping ur opponent team, and later on join ur guild.
9> Ur guild will grow bigger
10> According to available members try to make this combination in a game - pally + pally + pally => first preference, pally + pally + bear => second pref. , pally + bear +bear => third pref, only make bear + bear + bear => when thers no str mage on oppents team => last pref.
well here's end this complex guide.
ikik ppls alrdy followed my guide and they r succesfull, but u know history repeat itself.
- thanking u, lovely one noob rusher.