Quote Originally Posted by Harmonybow View Post
As it is, every guild WILL gang a player if he/she, is/has...
-from an enemy guild
-done something that "annoys" a player from that guild.
-and many more reasons
Ganging is not considered illegal and everyone would choose to "gang" an enemy if given the opportunity and this matter is not something to cry upon.
If you would like a fair fight pm me @ Harmonybow and i will be happy to set you up with any willing member, that would like to prove your statement as to be incorrect. Pm me your level and i will ask a member of the same level to 1v1 you.
So a reason to gang is "guildless"? Didnt know sry -_-

PS: just weak guys choose to gang if there is the opportunity given. I still have the honor not to join every unfair fight...