Thought of posting this as a quick reply to the contest threads themselves, but wanted to just say everything in one thread xD

So.... hi! I really had no knowledge of whether the winning story would be made public, but I guess there it is, not that I'm complaining :P Felt the story was severely rushed at times, but I'm thankful that I won, honestly did not expect to. As I told the judges, I always wanted to just start up a epic fanfic story (the swords, the magic, the huge boss monster guy at the end, the whole shebang), and this mini contest was exactly the motivation to write a small piece of it – I didn't realize I had written as much as I did until I pressed the word count tool (>=J)

If you guys have any constructive criticism or the like, I'd appreciate it – and input on whether you guys would want me to continue? A tall request, but thanks if you guys do. And well, was fun to dig up my writing skills and put them to the test; my parents want me to not further my studies in literature, unfortunately.

But cheers!

~Vigor~ The story.! Original contest thread.