Hey guys.

I recently created my level 56 bird, which is either very underpowered or I'm simply unskilled (which I've been told). I have had experience with l51 bird pre-forg era and post Nerf. I am also fairly used to l61 bird (pre-forg).

Well currently I am full Dex using a obed xbow set with crit/DMG ring. My skills are all 6 except med/restore/1 avian.
I can nuke a bird easily, and mages are not to hard depending on if I hit their ms. But I cannot kill a bear, on my life. Level 51 bear just have to rage>beckon>stomp and I'm dead.

I know how to double root, with constant blind to remove hit%, but with one hit beckon CBS/stomp there isn't time for that.

Any suggestions?