Dear AL Community,

i dont know if this is the place to post my problem, i already sent an e-mail to sts but on sunday i think they dont work. So i would like to ask, if anybody of you guys outside there, has experience with a deleated character, if it is possible to restore it. i just deleated him today, i controlled to be sure that on this char were no items i will not lost.
But i missed out my Dark Watch Sword of potency, i realised that it was ont that char when it was too late..
Maybe you guys know that the DW Swords are very expensive and i dont use plat, so i worked really hard for my twink sword, i bought it yesterday for around 700 k and noow it's gone.. I think a few of you think "700 k is not much" but for me it is, i think i worked 6 months for that amount of gold.

So if anybody of you knows, if STS is able to restore a character, feel free to post a comment.
And if this isnt the right place for my thread, i ams sorry.
And sorry for my bad english.

Thank You.