sorry for my grammar and english...
ok here's what happen.. im taking a quest for mythic helm of my mage..
a few days ago after i successfully upgraded my armor i decided to use my tarlok helm lvl 36 while im taking the
quest fragment for mythic helm because the lvl 26 mythic helm is not that good in stats because im already 40...
im taking a hard time lookign for fragments so at the evening before i slept i decide to craft my mythic helms for gems..
at the morning i complited the quest for fragments not knowing that my mythic helm is on the crafting station.. and the one that i am using is a talok helm..
because i wore a vanity set..
i talk to blacksmith and finish my quest.. im puzzled because i didnt receive any upgraded lvl 36 helm or notification.. i check my stash and everything
then i realized that im crafting my mythic helm in the crafting station.. i finish the crafting but its still lvl 26 not upgraded..
i tried again to get the quest from blacksmith but he said" what apelasure it was to restre those pieces blah blah blah... and i cannot take the fragment quest again (
please can you do something about my problem? thank you so much
if you can upgrade it to lvl 36 even if i dont have to retake the quest it will be much better .. bcuz you know its take me 1 day to finish that quest xD

heres my info.

class: mage
lvl: 40
name: xbaltarx

thanks gm and moderator in advance sorry for my bad english