Very curious to the Rogue pvp'ers (for example each rogue has same stats & is geared identical..and only difference is the arcane pet being used) that own either Glacian, Hammerjaw or both.. Which Arcane pet has a better time killing/does more damage to a Well geared War in pvp thats has a say Abbadon or whatever.

I've seen the HJ or Glacian post, but in my pvp experiences geared WAR's are very very hard to take down 1v1. I don't have the luxury of gold to buy both arcane pets as Limsyoker advised, so I ask for your help.
I've read pro pvp rogue comments such as Zeus / Solid etc and their opinions conflict. Btw the pvp level I plan on is twink lvl21 if that makes a difference. I'm leaning more toward HJ due to his AA granting more damage/skill boost stats vs ice armor and a long cooldown.

All helpful post r welcome and much appreciated.