Quote Originally Posted by Instanthumor View Post
I honestly think that this post is more unneeded. It doesn't even pertain to the subject, at least Dead's post was relevant. Why don't you complain about all those other threads out there that are irrelevant?

@Deadroth Love ya too bro

Hmm. You see we have a difference of opinion. I'm not a hater. I actually acknowledge the fact that it was probably Deadroth's multiple posts about multiple entries and wrong posts that got the Devs attention. Now you see,after this I would have expected that he'd rush in,thank the devs,maybe say you should take 2-3 days and get this sorted neatly. What I see him do is make another post about how things are wrong in another days thread. I mean come on! They haven't even finished taking entries for the day! They'll look into it they said!
That's just how I think

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