Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
I could say a lot on this but I'm not going to as the entire thing is off topic and not remotely close to the OP.

Bottom line: Arcanes don't make you skilled, but knowing game mechanics and being geared to the teeth makes you a very dangerous player.

On topic,

There's nothing wrong with spot blocking then by your logic as well. Players are allowed to join a game and do what they want, it's strategy, is it not? These "strategies" are black marked for very obvious reasons and there's a reason why they are not considered strategies in any real tournament.
Like i said pointing fingers at others never lead to anything because you that is behaving so smart actually started the off topic:

Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
You're right, there's nothing we can teach you about the game because you are too arrogant to learn.

PS: If you had already learned everything, then you would be a top player. You should learn from those who have done better than you because it's the only way to continually improve. Nobody is perfect and everybody still learns, even the pros.

The opponents can't keep you divide for too long after a couple of tries you will get back in formation. If you play smart they will have to also split up at some point to keep your faction divided. Use the room at your advantage split- regroup... why do you think they made the room full of zig zags.
