Quote Originally Posted by Shadowstar View Post
Tyranno, you dont know how others do pve. You dont know if others are skilled at it.
And on that build...9 beckon 9 stomp? Are you serious? I'd understand 9 beckon and a low stomp, but this. That iron blood is way too low.

You say that you're tanky enough to not need the dodge that taunt gives; the dodge that it gives is more than evade itself when it is stacked 2x. 9 beckon and 9 stomp is bad for crowd control, you can use it to bring enemies to a wall and stomp against it, but a lvl 7 beckon and a lvl 3-6 stomp does the same.

Oh, do you want more dmg? Thats many bears do nowadays in PvE, try to dmg instead of tank efficiently. You use the taunt to aggro all, and you'll be hit alot, so the high iron blood and taunt dodge will help, and just group against a wall and stomp and debuff.

Oh, and Dont try to say I'm a mega maze PvE person, I hardly use it, and I do have quite of experience with bear to know how it works.
PVE features the miracle of potions - health to be specific. And a bear has plenty enough health to survive any combo of hits by potting. So you get hit? So what? I don't pvp so it's not a concern.

I know all the tricks n pull points to bunch mobs up efficiently. They seem to die faster with me max beckoning n stomping, then max slashing them. Hmm. Novel idea.

What a bear DOESN'T have is enough damage to maintain aggro. Even with savage at a boss it's a job keeping em off the birds n mages. And I'm concerned a savage nerf may make pve bears useless as tanks because of this.

Also, I solo. I need all the damage I can get to have an efficient run alone. Which I do.

It's just a different build that's worked very successfully for me, so I don't get why ppl are hating on it. You wanna solo all bsm efficiently n have the skillz, use it. If not, don't.