Quote Originally Posted by Rare View Post
This will have a very drastic negative affect if it isn't implemented the right way. I'll just put that out there. People that cannot plat revive will rage.

The are two ways to do it:

1. Decrease the number of mobs in the main path to equal the number (or close to) required for boss spawn.

2. Increase the number of mobs required to spawn boss to equal the number (or close to) in the main path.

When I run, its ok, I have plat to revive. When I run with people that can't plat revive, I feel bad and don't do it. Other people aren't that nice. This is going to divide the community... plat players this plat players that. Fix it right and it won't happen.

Can you imagine what it will be like in guilds when members won't run with other members because they don't have plat to revive? Or non plat players are excluded because they can't do it?
I can imagine the nightmare Elite Oltgar would be for PUGs if devs decide to use #2.