After almost 6or7 months that PvP came to Arcane Legends we have seen Cryptus of Kraag and Trulle's Forest.
So I was thinking why not combining those 2 maps for a better PvP experience!!
My idea for this new map is going to be called deadzone if StS is going to implent it.
To start with I want to say how this will work 1 of the requirements it needs is a huge map like twice the size of trulle's forest so players can't find each other fast.
Secondable. How it's going to work:
1) If you die you will respawn to the centre of the map and you will not be able to join the map unless all of your teammates are dead or all of your teammates kill the enemy team and a special exception is when one of the teammates will succesfully bring a flag from the enemy team's base to the other base
2) As usual 2 teams (I would like to see more for a mega fight with [1 winning team])
3) Refering to the first rule about the flag spots. The flag spots will be at the extremes of the map so it won't be easy to carry them all the way. But if you succeed it leads to an instant victory.
4) In the map they could be mini bosses that gives boost or make the game even more hard.
5) When a player dies beside their name will be a skull that shows they have been killed
So how a team gets a victory
1) The team that eliminates the enemy team gets a victory
2) Carry a flag all the way to your team's base leads to a victory
So the team that reaches 5or10 victories win the fight
So StS could make new aps about this victories and much more we are talking about a whole different gameplay in PvP
I know this will take too much time and effort but I hope it will be decided and done by StS
Please I really need your ideas for this not only if you think it's good or bad but also how we can do it better
I have also started like 20days or more this thread in Player vs Player section but I thought I should post it here in the first place.