Hello Everybody,maybe u all dont know me but somone already know me haha
okey now we talking about sorcecer or mage skills
i like to be stronger and strong,i have played this game 3 month maybe and i learn how to be good mage
i learn this in Darksiders,Epitome of silentkill and the last shift guild
iam legendary user my myht just 1/5 but i can kill mhytic in pvp just a noob mhytic

in my opinion
mage is squishy,if u dont know the skill u be calling noob,high damage,super useless in pvp but can stronger if u know how to play mage

Skills pve
Time shift
this is my combination it can be skills pve and pvp and i forget what to put points this skill LOL
people will ask question" why u not pot ligegiver or health"
1.health is usless
2.u can have extra health with drink pot
3.u will die fast in pve
4.u never learn how to be super mage just put legendary items
i talk this because iam not mhytic users and just one my mhytic it is lunar
my stat maybe not like arcane but it likes same to mhytic if u want look my char just add friends ign:theprofessors
learn this skills for pve and u will get the prize haha(the prize is how good ur char but just put 1 lunar and all legendary)

for pvp
mage are weak if u put heal and shield u just have 2 skills atacck it can be fire,light,shift,frost if u mhytic users choose 2 suport skills and 2 attacks skill
if u legendary users dont put that u will die fast if u choose that skill because ur stat is not the same they have and u lose damage and health from mhytic users u have to choose 3 attack skill 1 suport skills(shield) why shield?because shield give infinity health for 3 sec and u can combinate with ur 3 attack skills
pick u like to put on attack skills but dont put gale haha(just for flag)

for the pet i pick scorn(pvp/pve),ethyl(pve),crawly(pvp)
remember this guide just for legendary users,1/5 mhytic,2/5 mhytic
and low money char maybe this guide gonna help u thanxz