Quote Originally Posted by Jirikjurasek View Post
Comments in bold (its really fine way how to quote, thanks Crow :-))

I hope that this threat will be in the top of warrior section and help to stop starting new one like "what is the best build for elite".

Its always very funny when I see post in general discussion: "I discover, that skill XY do "some really amazing thing". Every skills are already describe in this section, so read and enjoy :-)
My problem with taunt in jugg is that I am immune to taunt when its cast. I have no problem using WM and HoR (The bread and butter taunt skills) when it is active, thus its taunt is redundant. Even then, the skill has such a long cool down that the taunt isn't a healthy thing to depend on since you won't have it for every pull. You are better off learning how to maintain aggro with 2-3 skills from the stand point that you will develop a better understanding of your skills' dynamics.

You comment on VB having a 1:3 duration to cool down ratio is false. It is 1:2 when maxed (you can upgrade duration). However, this is irrelevant to my initial point. VB isn't a taunt skill. It is helpful in taunting because of the damage buff, but it I don't rely on it for taunt. WM and HoR are, by far, the skills I depend on most for taunt. I have been using CS as a check skill to feeble archers recently with beneficial results.

PS: I stole the "response in bold" idea from Falmear. It really is effective.