Quote Originally Posted by TheMightyFeusalet View Post
Hi members of The Collective,

like some may know i will stream saturday to sunday(for 8 bit supply drop). One of my ideas was to interview some people of differents guilds, i am looking for maybe your master, an officer or a recruiter. We would talk about your guild, how it is there, on what it focus,... If you would like to join pm me ot answer in my thread: ... (will be made soon or answer just here. If we would do an interview I would like to use skype, this doesnt mean you need to facecam with me. As long as I hear your voice I am okay with it! If this isnt your thing you can still do some other random things with me(arena,elite,pvp,...) during my stream!*

Hope that you will reply and hope to see you saturday or sunday in game!

Greetings Feusalet!*
Thank you for thinking of us. We would love to be a part of this!