Oh, goodness...my baby is famous now! lol
The photo was fairly late, but she wasn't in full 'pancake mode,' where she flattens out to absorb more heat. She was just being a little lump on her hammock (she has always LOVED her hammock). When she's actually up and doing stuff, she isn't as fat. Plus...ask any woman--the camera adds ten pounds, haha.

I'm sure my beardie is going to look a little more plump than a wild one, though. That's just normal for an animal with a secured food source to be fuller than one that may go extended amounts of time without a bite. Not to mention wild dragons likely eat bugs and veggies that have been in contact with pesticides, causing them to be a little sickly. Our beardie gets organic veggies only and raised crickets. ^.^

Two of the local pet stores have some HUGE bearded dragons with some serious bellies! They make ours look anorexic. lol I'll take pictures the next time we are at them (might stop tomorrow to look for new stuff for her).