Quote Originally Posted by Samhayne View Post
Hey guys,

Just finished re-reading over lunch.

Trying to find a nice way to say this, but you're biting off too much. We're looking for specific changes, not rebalancing everything or making sweeping changes to how skills work. We all acknowledge that Pocket Legends balance is well, not very balanced. There are huge swings in power in the game. It was the Studios first mobile game and yeah, we've learned from that. That being said, we're not looking to go back and re-do skills from the ground up. Might as well get started on PL2, ya know?

So, can we pull this back to specific, end game things? Like nurf Savage sets by specifically taking X off them.

PL2 sounds like a good idea too but including endgame, you might as well as fix the low lvl pvp range too. Thanks!