Is there any Way to play CTF (capture the flag) Endgame?
Or Do i have to keep playing FTF? (free to flag)
I am getting terribly tired of the Way people act when they have flag. They are all like "you can't attack me, i'm flagging!" I understand perfectly that you want to Flag, with the new system and all, but I Honestly don't care.
I think that the people Who want to pvp should get to pvp, not just team with your opponents, and everyone rages if you kill someone.
(Although i am pretty weak, so i don't kill people that often XD)
That was all i had to say, and if there is any magic pvp gang Who actually plays ctf, Let me be with you please ^^
Also, if anyone start discussing that it is a certain guilds Fault or something, I will propably haunt u forever ^^