I have reached level 40, and halfway to 41. I have about the best gear I can buy below 100k. My stats are as follows.

5569 Health
10.73 Dodge
740 Mana
1600 Armor

I have lvl 39 conq wall Assault, 36 tarloks helm of will and plate of grace, 35 fangmaster's ring of savvy, and 36 arcane pendant of potency. yes I am due for an upgrade, but most found in AH are very minimal return on my investment.

I am still new to the game at a few months. Should I farm till bored to death, or start running elites? Where to start? Is there any gear that will drop that will benefit me. Or is elites for Achievement Points, or is the drop rate higher or is it a different loot table.

Guidance is appreciated.
