The reason behind these new energy kits is pretty simple, more plat spending. As if crates, inventory, respawns and elixers were not enough to force players to purchase platinum. These kits have helped bring in revenue by allowing non plat spenders to purchase more with in-game currency. Now, before I go on a rant, I am all for supporting games that I enjoy playing.

We need more people to speak out about these energy balls. It's apparent that this type of energy system is here for the long run, otherwise why would they sell kits for platinum that would become useless. I'm afraid it may be to late for the community to change the developers minds about these energy balls. So, where do we go from here? Who here is willing to continue supporting a game that tells you when to play, how to play and how much to pay?

So please, voice your opinions about these energy balls, otherwise it's time to pack up and move on.