These are my different suggestions :

What levels ?

26-27 and 30-31

What classes should compete ?

(Maybe foxes and rhinos)

How the fights should be ?

- Either 3v3 (mage-bird-bear vs mage-bird-bear) the same levels (26-27-30 or 31).

- 5v5 (mage-bird-bear-rhino-fox vs .... The same classes).

- Or you could do 3v3 (a level 27-a level 30 and a level 31 in each teams).

What gear ?

For 26-27s :

- Ssc items
- Winterfeast items
- Maybe fbows?
- No halloweens

Fot 30-31s

- Shivering, brain freeze, iceberg...
- Winterfeast items
- Swamp items (30)
- Fbows?
- No halloweens


Prizes ?

This is up to the host and the donaters.

-Maybe 500k to each members of the 1st team.
-150 to the 2nd team. (Each members)
-50 or an item for the last team.

As i said, it all depends on how much money the host receives.

Jun, if the tournament is definitive i am ready to donate, lets talk in game.

20-40k to enter the tournament.

Thank you for reading