Im gonna like make a lvl 61 char but like i dont know like which char to use so im like confused so if you could like help me like that would be nice cuz like rite now im like kinda confuzzlified so like if u can help me choose like what lvl 61 char and like help me like lvl to 61 that would like be like kinda nice so i wont be confuzzlified cuz like being confuzzlified is not like good so like i wanna like snap out of like the confuzzlifiedness trance so like plz so u can like help me out of like a disease and an answer like its a combo deal so like u can save my life and like answer my question at like the same time so like yoloswag so like cure my disease and like help me and like help me lvl and like listen to what i have to say and sing like the song let it go so i dont become confuzzlified again so like yeah let me rieterate what i like said thats what she said wait how do u spell that reitirate word like im confuzzlified again cuz like i dont know like how to spell rietirate so like im rly confuzzlified so like yeah i have no life so like yeah plz like kinda help me like choose my llv 61 char cure my disease help me lvl and like tell me what gear to use wow what a combo deal like um like u were only here to like help me with what char to choose but like u also get to help me like do all that extra like its like buying a bag of cheetos for seventyfive persent off like wow im bes speller like lol persent sounds like present which is like a present for ur combo deal so u can cure my confuzzlifiednesstranceitis like wow like look at that medical term and like all da boyz be liek hashtag medicalterm and then like they come to my yard like lol hashtagtwogirlzonecup like lololololhashtag wow like that hashtag was like after my lolololol which is kinda weird lolololol so like yeah im gonna stop now bcuz im not drunk anymore so like yeah like bye like like i like u jk i hate u like u jk k bye hashtaglike