As a new 41 warrior, this event has done nothing to help me except give me a pet or vanity. There is no way, unless you had a lot of gold or plat, to do 3 missions per day and achieve the Talisman or Glaive. I have spent 60k gold on energy and I am still at 58 tokens, and the event ends tomorrow. WOOOhooo

The event has managed to drive down the price of locked as people need the gold to buy the energy. Thus the rich are getting great deals in preparation of the 41 mythics release. Luck Elixirs have skyrocketed. This has been a major set back in trying to save for better gear.

I am sure my disappointment is an indirect relationship to the developers rating of it a success. As discouraged as i am currently, I hope my hording locked chests will pay off in the end.