Hello Sts team,

1.I play on desktop using google chrome.
2.Character name is: Queeniepop
3.Bug Issue: While I play pvp and rapidly press skill buttons, one skill button will randomly lock up. (and render my other skills not on cool down un-usable)
4.Arcane Legends game mechanics - In order to charge your skills, you must press or mouse click & hold the skill for it to charge. (My skills will auto charge without the need of pressing and holding the skill at all).

Meaning I press Aimed Shot, i then go to press next skill (Nox bolt or pierce) and nothing happens. I am unable to use the skill.
Once I look at my skills I notice that once my Aimed Shot comes off of cool down, it then automatically charges by itself.
I didn't press Aimed Shot again for it to charge, it just does it automatically.
**The bug/problem with this** I am unable to use my characters skills in game pve/pvp as intended. I should be able to press skills if they are not on cool down and I have mana.

**Once this skill freeze up happens, I must tap the skill that auto charged in order to un-freeze my other skills**
This is a problem as it doesn't allow me to properly play the game as intended by developers.

Please look into this very frustrating skill bug. Ty