Hello, it's been a while since i was trying to find a game, which would be rpg, where i could grind and where i could challenge others players in real time (not just bots with real players stats).
Soooooo, arcane legends looks like just that! But...i have spend almost 10hours playing (14lvl rogue), reading forums (this one mainly) and googling and still have almost no clue, how to do things properly here.

First question to ask is:
Can you have fun and be strong/almost competetive player without spending money on this game?
It's really important, because if no, i should delete it

And here are some other questions about items:

1. You can obtain a lot of items when doing quests or just grinding dungeons. You sell all "green/blue" for like 4-5 gold (because your inventory isn't infinite)?
2. What are items rarity in colors? Green<blue<purple?
3. If i get that purple item, how can i know, how much is it worth?
4. CS (store/auctions hause). When i enter that thing, i cant see anyone selling something. It's empty. Why is it so?
5. Time to time i hear, that rogue can equip bows, but i havent seen one. How can i get it?
6. Pets. I still have no idea how to obtain them, how much of them should i have (to rotate nicely).

About gameplay:

7. What lvl i need to get to have fun in pvp, maybe other activities (what people do in al ?)
8. Where i should lvl/farm items (which i still dont have idea where to put if i dont need them )
9. What stats for what lvl are considered to be "good".

My playstyle is agressive. I like to jump in, faceroll my abilities, jumo out. I like being squishy, but having a huge burst dmg.

I would love to know how to farm gold in simple way (that doesnt mean easy/fast way) .
What cheapest/simple obtainable equipment i need to be part competetive
What pet i need for that and how to get it.

Thats pretty much all. I am not asking to explain everything, just give me links to understandable guides. Or explain me xD