Kalielle, those are exactly my thoughts -- I just didn't type it all out

I think those of us who have really come to value a good group of friends to play with, are the most concerned about these issues. I barely play any pugs anymore because I like knowing I can trust my team not to backstab me. The more precautions set in place to prevent people from screwing others over, the better.

Quote Originally Posted by Kalielle View Post
This sounds like a great idea! In addition, I had the same thought as Les - it would be great if host privileges could be passed on. Right now there's a lot of pressure on the host to stay through the end of all the cave levels so that the group is not left without a responsible host. This would solve that, and it makes sense that the current host should be able to choose his successor. It would also allow the host to switch alts without worries, so long as there's one other trusted person in his group.

One issue right now is that if the host leaves in a game or has to switch alts, the person who happens to click next is made host for the next game. I was in a group last night and we fought our way through several of the caves, at which point someone had to leave and we had a fifth random join mid-game. Meanwhile the host had to switch alts because we were lacking a mage. Then at the end of the game it so happened that the random we didn't know clicked next first and was host for the new game. Luckily he was cool, but he could have booted us all and invited his own friends even though we were the ones who had cleared VL and fought through the first few levels. The ability to pass on host power would prevent situations like this. A voting system helps only for the level where the host left, not for the next level that's created with a new host.